Come, Come Arise!


Come, Come Arise!


tenor and piano

  • Premiere: 19, 20 May 2006 / South Oxford Space, Brooklyn, NYC / American Opera Projects / Robert Mack, tenor / Jennifer Peterson, piano
  • Instrumentation: tenor and piano
  • Duration: 3'
  • Text: Omar Khayyam


Come, come, arise!  For the healing of my heart!

Quickly bring me a pitcher of wine, and let us drink!

Drink before they make pitchers of our dust.

When I am dead, wash me with the juice of the vine;

in place of prayer, sing above my tomb;

and if you would find me again at the day of doom,

seek me in the dust of the tavern floor.

-- Omar Khayyam, translation by J.B. Nicolas, adapted by the composer